Munich Neuroscience Calendar


19.07.2016, 13:00 MCN
until 17:00
Event Type: Symposium / Conference
Speaker: Diverse Speakers
Institute: TUM, MPIBiochem, HMGU, FMI Basel, Rockefeller, Berkeley

Title: Roche Symposium

Großhaderner Str. 2
82152 Martinsried

Host: MCN Office
Host Email:
Several speakers applying for an independent MCN-LMU/Roche Junior Group.
Following titles are available:

Gut microbiota: an unexpected key player in CNS autoimmune pathogenesis

Genetic modifiers and selective vulnerability in neurodegenerative diseases

Neuromodulation of the mind: Dopaminergic sub-systems controlling cognitive functions in mouse, monkey and man

Mapping the neuronal code of fear

Epigenetic Engineering: New approaches in epigenetic reprogramming

Registration Link: