Munich Neuroscience Calendar


01.02.2018, 17:15 TUM Lehrstuhl für Bewegungswissenschaft - Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaft

Event Type: Talk
Speaker: Solveig Vieluf
Institute: Sportmedizin, Universität Paderborn

Title: Age, expertise, and motor control: Insights into underlying mechanisms by means of force control tasks

Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60
80992 München

Host: Joachim Hermsdörfer
Host Email:
With our hands, we explore and manipulate the environment. Force control is a key component of dexterous object manipulation that can be studied via isometric force control. The paradigm is well suited to explore the different mechanisms underlying sensorimotor variability representative for different aspects of fine motor control due to its high ecological validity. For example, the insights gained from this method can be directly linked to object manipulation and postural control, but also - on a more abstract level - to overall motor functioning.
For these reasons, force control is a powerful paradigm to study group specific differences. In my research I focus on how reorganization processes of the sensorimotor system due to age and expertise are reflected in behavioral, i.e. variability and complexity, and neurophysiological, i.e. network characteristics derived by dynamic mode decomposition, markers during force control.

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