17.12.2020, 17:15 | TUM Lehrstuhl für Bewegungswissenschaft - Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaft | ||
until 18:15
Event Type:
Speaker: Barbara Sattler Institute: Erste deutsche Beratungs- und Informationsstelle für Linkshänder und umgeschulte Linkshänder e.V. Title: Handwriting with the left hand: Kinematics and observations from a training to write with the left hand in adult converted left-handers |
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 62 80992 Muenchen Host: Joachim Hermsdörfer |
Zoom-Meeting beitreten
https://tum-conf.zoom.us/j/94253017197 Meeting-ID: 942 5301 7197 Kenncode: 033542 This colloquium reports the findings from a collaboration project of the Chair of Human Movement Science with the Beratungs- und Informationsstelle für Linkshänder und umgeschulte Linkshänder e.V. and the Research Department of Science & Motion GmbH. Frau Sattler will start with reporting her experience with advising left-handers and parents of left-handed children as well as her training approaches (this part will be in German language). Christian Marquardt will then introduce some rules and observations of the kinematics of writing with the left hand. Then Laura Stetter will present the results of her thesis, where she evaluated the data of a training program conducted at the Beratungsstelle für Linkshänder. A group of adult left-handers who learned handwriting with their non-dominant right hand during their childhood participated in a 2-year training program to relearn writing with the dominant left hand. The colloquium will present the outcome of the training in comparison with the performance of the right-hand of the training group and the left hand of a control group of left-handers who always wrote the left hand. We found indices of a sensitive phase for the perfect learning of handwriting. Registration Link: |