Munich Neuroscience Calendar


28.10.2021, 17:15 TUM Lehrstuhl für Bewegungswissenschaft - Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaft

Event Type: Talk
Speaker: Cristina Piazza
Institute: Neuroprosthetics and Human-Centered Robotics Lab, Healthcare and Rehabilitation Robotics, TU München

Title: New Perspectives in the Design and Control of Bionic Limb

S5 Seminarraum 5, 2330.01.205 & via zoom
Connollystr. 32
80992 München

Host: Joachim Hermsdörfer

Since the 16th century, science and engineering have endeavored to match the richness and complexity of the human hand sensory-motor system. In the last decade novel theories and technologies, e.g. soft robotics and the simplification of the mechanical design, suggest a new promising direction towards the next generation of high technologic bionic aids. This talk aims to exploit the potential of these emerging trends and proposes new strategies to optimise the performance of an artificial hand, achieving a useful trade-off between grasping performance and mechanical design/control complexity.

Hybrid via zoom and in presence S5 Seminarraum 5, 2330.01.205

Meeting-ID: 942 5301 7197

Kenncode: 033542

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