Munich Neuroscience Calendar


04.11.2021, 17:15 TUM Lehrstuhl für Bewegungswissenschaft - Fakultät für Sport- und Gesundheitswissenschaft

Event Type: Talk
Speaker: Leif Johannsen
Institute: Institut für Psychologie, RWTH Aachen University

Title: Assessing the influence of cognitive response conflict on postural control – An event-related approach using response-aligned force-plate times series data

via Zoom
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60 / 62
80992 München

Host: Joachim Hermsdörfer

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 942 5301 7197
Kenncode: 033542

Process interference or sharing of attentional resources between cognitive tasks and postural control during upright standing has been well documented. Attentional costs increase with greater balancing demands of a postural activity, for example in standing compared to sitting. The traditional approach for analysing postural control integrates across relative long trial periods of up to several minutes, which blends any postural adjustments and cognitive operations within this period. Therefore, we pursued an event-related approach to assess if single cognitive operations resolving response selection conflict in the Simon task interfere with concurrent postural control in quiet standing. This talk will summarize the methods and results we employed in a current study."

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