Munich Neuroscience Calendar


18.07.2024, 13:00 NICUM - Neuroimaging Core Unit Munich LMU

Event Type: Workshop
Speaker: please see program
Institute: please see program

Title: NICUM Summer Festival 2024

Main Lecture Hall
Nußbaumstraße 7
80336 München

Host: Keeser
Host Email:

1:00 PM Welcome –Keeser/Geyer
1:30 PM Clinical Evaluation of Research MRI - Zimmermann
2:00 PM Keynote - Neuroimaging informed treatment: Insights from interleaved TMS-fMRI – Tik (Vienna)

2:40 PM Break

3:00 PM Short presentations from NICUM research
3:00 PM How to use multimodal neuroimaging - insights from NICUM research - Röll
3:20 PM Brain leakage in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders? A comparative DCE-MRI study with healthy controls - Moussiopoulou
3:40 PM Mapping EEG and fMRI - Zinchenko
4:00 PM Magnetic resonance elastography - Schuhmacher/Villagran
4:20 PM How to interpret resting-state fMRI? Ask your patient. A pilot project introducing introspection into the scanner - Korman
4:40 PM Testing psychological theories of decision making on the neural level - Soutschek
5:00 PM Neural processing of social interaction perception in autism - Bierlich
5:20 PM Research at NICUM’s twin MR Scanner at the ISD - Ewers

6:40 PM Break

6:00 PM Poster session
7:00 PM Award ceremony - Falkai
7:15 PM Drinks & Snacks (in the garden, in case of rain at NICUM)

Registration Link: