Munich Neuroscience Calendar


17.12.2013, 10:00 Graduate School of Neuroscience

Event Type: other Event
Speaker: Larry Abbott
Institute: Kavli Institute of Brain Science at Columbia University, New York, USA

Title: Round table discussion with Prof. Abbott

Großhaderner Str. 2
82152 Martinsried

Host: Talking Science team Aljoscha Leonhardt, Johannes Nehrkorn and Johanna Schuller

Professor Larry Abbott <> from the Kavli Institute of Brain Science at Columbia University, New York, USA:

You are
invited to join the round table discussion that Prof. Abbott will lead about:

The goals of system neuroscience and the new US and European Brain initiatives

Tuesday, Dec 17th

10:00 a.m.

Room D00.003*

LMU Biocenter, Martinsried

Prof. Abbott’s research foci are the implications of multi-timescale adaptation and plasticity for sensory processing and learning. Well known for close collaborations with experimentalists, his research illustrates the success of combining theory and experiments in the field of neuroscience.

The two events are part of the “Talking Science <>” program for PhD students of the Munich Neuroscience community.

Registration Link: