Munich Neuroscience Calendar

more LMU / other Events

Wed, 23.10.2024, 09:00 LMU Faculty of Biology: Talk

Philip Parker
Rutgers - New Brunswick School of Arts and Sciences, New Jersey, USA
Neural coding and circuitry of active vision   click for details
D00.003, GSN Seminar Room
Großhadernerstr. 2, 82152 Martinsried
Host: Laura Busse
Tue, 29.10.2024, 16:30
MCN - Graduate School of Neuroscience - other: Talk

Russell Foster
University of Oxford, UK
Light, Circadian Rhythms and Sleep: Mechanisms to New Therapeutics   click for details
N02.040 small lecture hall, BMC
Großhaderner Str. 9, 82152 Martinsried
Host: Martha Merrow
Wed, 20.11.2024, 09:00 other: Talk

Magdalena Götz, Mike Piper, Laura Currey
LMU, Department of Physiological Genomics/SBMS, University of Queensland
Zoom Tandem Seminar UQ-QBI-SBMS + LMU-MCN-GSN on Neural stem cells in development and disease   click for details
via Zoom, Munich/Brisbane
Host: Magdalena Götz