Munich Neuroscience Calendar


31.10.2016, 10:00 Graduate School of Neuroscience
until 02.11.2016, 10:00
Event Type: Workshop
Speaker: Mike X Cohen
Institute: GSN LMU

Title: (1) blitz review of wavelet convolution, (2) phase-based connectivity analyses/ Matrix analysis in neuroscience: least-squares fitting, (better-than-ICA) components analysis, and dimensionality reduc

Großhaderner Str. 9
82152 Martinsried

Host: GSN LMU Maj-Catherine Botheroyd-Hobohm/Franz Hell
Host Email:
Monday 10 - 16.30: workshop on (1) blitz review of wavelet convolution, (2) phase-based connectivity analyses.
Wednesday 10 - 18: Matrix analysis in neuroscience: least-squares fitting, (better-than-ICA) components analysis, and dimensionality reduction.
The workshop will take place: BioMedizinisches Zentrum der LMU, Großhaderner Str. 9
82152 Martinsried
This minicourse will cover two major topics in neuroscience data analysis: phase-based connectivity and matrix analyses. The focus will be on mathematical concepts and implementation in Matlab, as opposed to conceptual overviews and pressing buttons in a software toolbox. Some experience with Matlab programming is required, but most of the code will be provided to you. Due to limited time for the course, only a brief review of the Fourier transform and Morlet wavelet convolution will be provided. The course is a mix of lectures and hands-on work. This means that lecture segments will cover the theoretical concepts, and then you will complete Matlab analysis exercises on your own or in small groups to see how those concepts are implemented in Matlab with real data. The two workshop days are independent of each other, although it is recommended to attend both days.

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